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My intention with this blog is to post – on an irregular basis – short examples of “coincidences” I have found in the Bible. These “coincidences” show up in words, dates, numbers, names, events, symbols, patterns, etc. and I believe these are evidence that the Bible has a Divine origin. I hope these examples will encourage you to look at these aspects for yourself and see if you come to the same conclusion.
While I will periodically post something new, these examples are abbreviated and only representative of much more than I could ever post here. If you find a specific example interesting and want more details or further examples on an aspect I describe, please send me an email.
(Note - please  read the oldest posts first - at the bottom - as some refer to previous posts for context)
Hidden Treasure Blog: Welcome

Christmas shouldn’t be in December

Most people understand that the celebration of Jesus’ birth – Christmas – was arbitrarily set to give believers an alternative...

Hidden Bible Passages?

The book of Isaiah was written about 700 years prior to the time of Jesus. The entire book is important but Chapter 53 is an amazing...

Mamma Mia!

In my previous post I referred to the amazing way one can find Jesus throughout the Bible. I asserted that similar examples cannot be...

Literary Parallels with Jesus

There may be a better name for this but another aspect of the Bible that is beyond coincidence and human abilities is vast numbers of...

Second guessing God

Many people think they are morally superior to the God of the Bible. When they read about Him telling someone to kill someone else for...

Stars moving at 250 miles per second

The oldest book in the Bible is called “Job” and was written almost 4,000 years ago. It is about a man who goes through an incredible...

Hidden Signature?

In the last decade or so there has been a lot of attention given to “Bible Codes” with some special software designed to uncover some of...

Constant Numbers

The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 different people over 1,500 years. If these people were not guided by one...

Genealogy Messages

In Genesis chapter 5, the first genealogy from Adam is shown and we find that Noah’s grandfather’s name means “His death shall bring”....

Random details or Divine style

If a poet wrote weather or census reports we wouldn't be surprised if some poetic phrases showed up in the reports. If a mathematician...

Coincidence or Commentary?

In a another post I give some examples related to the Jewish calendar. Within this calendar there are annual feast days that occur every...

Recurring Dates in History

The Jewish calendar in the Bible is referred to throughout the writings that comprise the Bible with some dates described in the text and...

Hidden Treasure Blog: Blog2

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