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Hidden Signature?

In the last decade or so there has been a lot of attention given to “Bible Codes” with some special software designed to uncover some of these codes. While the findings are interesting, I am mostly interested in the basis for the investigation and software programming which revolves around the number seven. As I describe in my post on “Number Constancies” the importance and prominence of the number seven in the Bible is obvious to everyone. Centuries ago, people observed that there were in “Equidistant Letter Sequences” involving the number seven that produced some amazing “coincidences”. Below I list one that Dr. Gerald Schroeder - famed atomic physicist – described to Chuck Missler and he in turn shared with others.

Consider the opening verses in the Book of Genesis in Hebrew:

(Remember, Hebrew goes from right to left)

Torah is the Hebrew name for the first 5 books of Moses. The word Torah, in Hebrew, is four letters, hr’AT. If you go to the first t (tau, which is similar to our “T”), and count an interval of 49 letters, the next letter is a w (vav, operating here like an “O”); count another interval of 49 letters and you will find a r (resh, like our “R”); and then count another interval of 49 letters and you will find a h (heh, or “H”). We find the word hrwt, or Torah, spelled out with 49 letter intervals. Rather strange. It would seem that someone has gone to some remarkable effort; and yet some argue that it is just coincidence. Yet, when we examine the next book, the Book of Exodus, we discover the same thing again! Here are the first few verses of Exodus:

Could this also be a coincidence, again? Just what are the chances of such a coincidence? The word hrwt might, on merely a statistical basis, appear in Genesis quite a few times depending on the range of intervals chosen. The total number of letters in Genesis is 78,064, and the amount of the letters t, 4152; w, 8448; r, 4793, and h, 6283. Indeed, hrwt appears three times in Genesis at the interval of 50, which is what might be statistically expected from a book of that length and of similar concentration of these four letters. But there is no reason why these should begin with the first t of the book, and why this should happen in both Genesis and Exodus. The probability of such a coincidence has been estimated at about one in three million!

In the next book, the Book of Leviticus, this 49-letter interval doesn’t seem to appear. (We’ll return to reexamine an alternative discovery.) When we examine the next book, the Book of Numbers, we discover that it happens again if we spell Torah backwards!

When we examine the final book of the Torah, the Book of Deuteronomy, a similar thing happens,25 but again, backwards! Laying out the overall pattern: Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy TORH TORH ? HROT HROT. This seems to be too deliberate to be ascribed simply to chance. But why has this ostensibly deliberate arrangement been composed? What are the implications?

When we return to reexamine the Book of Leviticus, we discover that the square root of 49, 7, yields a provocative result. After the first yod (y), and an interval of seven, taking the next letter yields yhwh, the tetragramaton, the ineffable name of God, the YHWH. It appears that the Torah always points toward the Ineffable Name of God! So the pattern is - Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy, TORH TORH YHWH HROT HROT. This seems to hint of a hidden signature. Just as certain authors adopted a trademark, or “shtick,” such as Alfred Hitchcock always appearing as an extra in his famous movies, or J.M.W. Turner’s secret signature on his venerated water colors, or the fabled hidden signature of Shakespeare in Psalm 46, we detect here evidence of hidden but deliberate design. And it may be a signpost pointing to others.

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