The Jewish calendar in the Bible is referred to throughout the writings that comprise the Bible with some dates described in the text and others that have to be identified in separate history. Just focusing on two of the 360 days in this calendar and just the major events that occur on these dates shows some interesting “coincidences”.
The 14th of Nisan (Aviv)
Cain and Able offer their sacrifices. Genesis 4:3-5
Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 104. Genesis 7:24
The Passover lambs are killed at twilight just before the Jews leave Egypt. Exodus 12:1-6
Jesus has a Passover meal at twilight (Jewish days begin at evening not the morning). John 13:1
Jesus was crucified in the daylight hours. John 19:42
The 17th of Nisan (Aviv)
Noah’s ark came to a rest on Mt. Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month of the flood. Genesis 8:4 (A new beginning for Planet Earth)
First day for the Jews leaving Egypt in the Exodus in 1445 BC, as recorded in Exodus 12:37-42.
The Jews entered the Promised Land on the Feast of First Fruits. Joshua 5:10-12
Esther saved the Jewish Nation from annihilation. Esther 3:12, 5:1
The risen Christ stands before his disciples on the evening of the Resurrection. Mark 16:14, Luke 24:36-43, and John 20:19-23. (A new beginning in Christ)
The writers of these events spanned more than 1,500 years but it reads like one author was creating a pattern between them all. Yet one has to study the details to uncover these coincidences as they aren't pointed to in the writings themselves. (There are 358 other dates one can study to find more of these "coincidences".)
I’ve also noticed that the 14th of Nisan (Aviv) would on a Jewish Calendar, start at sunset. Meaning that for Rome, Egypt, or Babylon (Gregorian Calendar) it would still be the 13th. Which is why the 13th is an unlucky number.